Male Skin Care Trends

Male beauty is something which sadly is still seen as a Nichè market, not only do some brand just have it as a second thought but some brand just simply haven't done anything for it. This is something that doesn't make much sense to me as only 15% of women think that beauty is only for themselves. So why is male beauty such a small market, I mean guys wanna look good to don't they? Guys already have trouble relating to skin care and after shave adds, so why isn't the market changing quicker.
So while looking into the male beauty market I would see what trends come up and see if there is anything that I could use to put into my own product. But also understand more about what the market is producing, and what could be done to change the ideas that come from the already existing products. 


Looking through these products there is one clear trend that stands out amoungst them all, the style in the design of the products. 

A running look that carries on throughout these ideas and products is them being very simple. It is clear that compared to female products male products and the companies behind them are not fancy or well designed, the design or colour scheme isn't something which is that thought out, this is not something that has been that well pointed out, something which just isn't the case for females and the beauty products they use. There is a simple colour scheme and little decoration. It may look like they haven't tried but I believe that they have actually thought this through. Men like the simple things, men like to see what they are getting plain and simple nothing to fancy and nothing that will take them away from the product themselves, they really do not think that a pretty pattern will make them buy it more. 
The design is the one of the smallest element of the product so it can be assumed that our brand should look nice and have a look of itself, such as the designs of the bottles above but also that they need to simple state what they do. They need to be clear and tell the men what they want as that is what they look for the most. Knowing they will work and sort the problem out they have. 

This might not be a trend but it is a clear sign from what I have seen after looking into these products, yes I know I do not use these items but I had only ever heard about 5 of the total 10 products, so it is clear that male beauty products just are not promoted enough and are hard to find the new items that men might want to see. 
20% of men still only use their skin care cause their friends so and 17% of men only use the skin care products their partners buy for them. So it is clear that within the male industry that targeting men is getting hard, men just do not know what to look for. 
I know that from personal experience that when looking at skin care I wan to know that it works and sometimes that means spending a little more. So after this survey states that men think most about price over anything it is clear they want quick fixes and straight forward products over anything too fancy or something they might not understand or be aware of. So a gap in the market for our brand is to make it clear to the males that this idea and brand will work, it will help them understand more about their own skin and what will work best for them. 

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