Idea 2 - Band Groupies

Music is a massive section of the research into the URBAN STREET trend, something which I found came up a lot, was the regular and very popular trend of Grunge music, the fashion is also something which follows the grunge/urban street trend, the music and fashion would be the key focus of this idea. Compared to my first idea this is more around music and fashion then the travel section of the treasure hunt inspired idea. Groupies would follow a band around the world, this being the small travel section of the media idea. 

There would be a clear idea that they would have a better time when their phones are fully charged and they able to share and post everything they see with everyone of every form of social media.  Having the travel plug with them in every country and it never failing them would be a clear indicator to just how much fun they are having throughout the whole experience. The more charge they have the better time they have at the gigs, everything would work together, getting around transport, googling ideas, posting tweets, and posting images thanks to having the plug. 

Even a friend who doesn't have a plug that works in the country you are in will need to borrow yours and that will mean they can still have as a good time that you are having. 

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