Things To Make You Find What You Love

I'm 19 years old and it took me a while to know what I wanted to do, and when I say a while I mean about 18 years and 2 months. But then again that kinda has been a good thing as if i hasn't one of the most indecisive people you would ever meet I wouldn't know what I want to do know for the rest of my life (that sounds a lot more scary when I say that too myself.)  And seeing as list making is my favourite past time I think this is what I went through to know exactly what I wanted to do.

Don't Be Scared To Try New Things:
I have dipped my toe in my ponds when it came to a new past time and each and everyone one of them I have enjoyed. It takes me a while to pluck up the courage and try something new, but I am always happy when I do, for I would never had known if it was my new calling talent or the worst decision of my life. And that's the thing about trying new things not everything you try will be the best thing to happen to you in your life, but how do you know it won't be if you never try. Finding something new and realises you are 1. good at it and 2. love bettering yourself and improving is sometimes a rare find but oh it's great when you do. 

If You Want It Go Get It:
I don't understand when people say that I'm confident, it has never been a word i would put within 10 feet of me, let alone have it describe me. But then I thought if i seem confident then I might as well act it. Be proud enough and brave enough to do what I want and what I know i need to do in order to achieve everything I want to. If I wanted to start writing about boobs and wobbly bits then I would and if I wanted to go out in skin tight body dress and show all my shape then I would. And this is the same thing to finding what you love doing, I want to be a writer so I am going to do everything I want to in order to call myself one.

Meet Wonderful People:
Everyone who you speak to, hang around with and interact with on a daily basis have a massive effect on how you hold yourself and what you decide to do. Throughout my life I have let people go who have tried to bring me down with them and I have also met some of the best people I will ever known and will continue to know in order to help me improve every aspect of things I want to do. The people that you keep can help you find new loves and passions and even improve on the ones you already do. 

Understand that failing isn't a Bad Thing:
I got an E in english language and even though in technical terms that is still a pass in my head I failed. And you know what I want to write and the last time I checked that E hasn't stopped me. But even though I count it as a fail I understand that it won't stop me, I mean I'm here writing now doesn't it, and I sure as hell do not measure the chances I have in becoming a successful writer in whether the blue sky means the characters of 'Of Mice and Men' are sad or annoyed. So as much as people might tell me to change something cause it wasn't the best, failing or not doing the right thing first off just means next time you'll do it even better. 

Stay Wonderful 

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